
Monday, October 03, 2005

Okay, I think we've seen two of the six stages of grief re: my letting go of this journal a little. Now it's time for another one: acceptance.

I'm pretty much only updating Satellites, my livejournal, these days. I really like the format, the tags, the cuts. And even if you're not on LJ, you can still comment; I haven't disabled anonymous comments.

I really HATE switching over, especially with all the entries I have over here, but everything changes, I guess.

This blog isn't going anywhere, it'll stay here, it's just not going to be updated very often. I wouldn't say it will NEVER get updated again, but it will be a rare occurrence. Good English and my crafty blog will still be updated the same as before, though. You know, assuming I ever finish a book (or make something) again.

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