
Friday, September 23, 2005

the world needs more homemade gifts! 

The entire catalog of Crafters Coast-to-Coast episodes is here. Do you know how many times I've looked for that and haven't been able to find it? You don't, but it's a ridiculously large amount.

I effing LOVE that show, but I can never remember when it's on, so even when I'm home, I don't get to watch it. I wish they would rerun it in the evening instead of just showing it at noon. (This is why I need a TiVo. Well, that, and so that I can watch "Lost" with the attention to detail it deserves.)

Anyway, my reason for looking for craft instructions now: next week we're starting a new schedule which involves earlier dinner and a walk in the evening, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to start up the holiday crafting. I haven't made my xmas planning list on my crafty blog public yet because I'm still narrowing stuff down, but damn, is it ever long. Exciting, though.

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