
Friday, September 02, 2005

to do list 

We made a tiny land deal and should be getting a check next week (hopefully); I will finally be able to give something then. For now, all I can do is the small stuff. Most of the stuff I'm doing has to do with making long-term changes, mostly prompted by the whole "global warming = more disasters like this" idea. For instance, we're (or I should say "I'm," since Ben isn't really too involved at this point):

* getting the compost bin put in place. I've been saving scraps for a month in the freezer; I really want to get the thing STARTED already.

* recycling again. it got stalled with all the moving around, but now that we're in place I can get it rolling again.

* making less car trips. this is kind of hard, because I don't make that many to begin with, since it takes such a long time to get anywhere and gas is so high up. but instead of making trips on the weekend to grocery shop we'll be doing it on one of my work days, when I'm already in town.

* going to the library six miles away instead of the one that's maybe fifteen miles away. that's a small change, but everything helps, I guess. I would try biking to it, even, but the road we live on is a little to dangerous to bike down with a toddler.

* dropping the consumerism and getting more involved in the DIY community. I'm already pretty DIY-minded, but haven't acted on it very much. and you know, I like prettiness so much that it's hard to not be all consumer-y. but I'll try.

* and I'll be donating more to the food banks, charities, etc. around here, because I always seem to forget about them until something bad happens. once my blood pressure drops again, I'll be giving blood regularly.

When everything gets settled to the point that stuff can be donated, I'll do that too, but for now all I can do is try to leave a smaller footprint. Sort of lame but it gets a little good done, anyway.

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