
Thursday, September 08, 2005

something else 

I have made miserable dinners two nights in a row now. Tuesday night was pastitsio, which I usually cook from a recipe I found in Cooking Light. It's not a true pastitsio, but it's so good. As you can probly guess, my Cooking Lights are in storage, so I hunted down a recipe online.

God, it was so gross. The bechamel congealed in this really nasty, eggy way. And some of the pasta that was on top cooked too much. Shudder. I didn't have as much parmesan as the recipe called for, but it still shouldn't have been that bad. There are leftovers in the fridge that I will have to force myself to eat for lunch because I can't in good conscience waste that much food.

Last night I was really tired and it was late, so I made grilled cheese sandwiches and fries (yay for working ovens!). You didn't think grilled cheese could be screwed up? You were wrong. That was the first time I've ever had a bad grilled cheese sandwich. I still don't know why it tasted so wrong.

It's times like these I wish my mom had been a little more kitchen-oriented. I've been doing well so far with the whole teaching-myself thing, it just gets a little old sometimes.

Tonight is chicken and dumplings, I think. If I have enough flour -- we're running kind of low. We shall see.

I don't want to leave you linkless -- here's one: Knitty's fall issue is out. There's no better combination than cold weather and knitting. I just need to learn how. Trying to crochet has frustrated me to the point that I now recoil in horror whenever I pass a crochet hook or a knitting needle. But looking at that stuff? I really wish I weren't so uncoordinated.

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