
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

priority switch ACTIVATE! 

This made me laugh and made me a little happy yesterday: on the way home, I saw a car with writing all over the back windshield. In huge letters: "4 SALE / 40-MPG!"

At least people are starting to care about it. I hope this concern holds over after prices simmer back down.

Also, I enjoyed driving past the 7-11 and seeing the "3" in "$3.19" and "$3.29," etc. written in skinny black marker on the price sign. They ran out of threes! How great is that? It looked like gas was nineteen cents until you got up close. And on the other side, premium was nine cents until you got close enough to see the two threes written in skinny black marker. They could have at least found a THICK sharpie, man.

I wish I had my camera yesterday. Sight gags abounded.

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