
Monday, September 12, 2005

open letter the twenty-fifth 

You (once again) know who you are,

I wish you would read this, and maybe think about it for a little while. Especially the last bits.

I thought you knew better and it's kind of disappointing that you don't. But I think it's fixable. Please just try.



Really, it's a very good piece. It puts a lot of things into perspective, even taken on its own merit and not re: the situation in NOLA.

Please disregard, or at least, take with a grain of salt, the poor-upping that follows (there are links in the comments on Scalzi's site). It raises a valid point (first-world vs. third-world poverty) but the way it's gone about is crappy.

I always forget about John Scalzi's website and then someone will link to something he's written and I'll remember for about a week then the cycle begins anew. I've discovered his feed on lj, though, so that won't happen again. Triumph!

(link via prettyfool)

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