
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

okay, so I might have lied. 

I'm actually really digging all the tags and cuts and everything over at livejournal, so I'm using that for my little diary-like entries. I didn't think I'd like it this much, but the format is very clean. so yes, this means I have FOUR blogs: this one, the livejournal, my crafty blog, and good english. But they each serve a purpose, which is nice since I'm so borderline OCD, anyway. It's like a really organized filing cabinet for my brain.

So basically the lj is like an online diary, and this is more link-oriented. when I have long entries about one particular thing, I put them here. the lj is for quizzes/memes, recipes, "my day"-like entries, and extra-personal stuff (since I can lock those entries).

Anyway, let me stick some content because this entry is really boring so far:

Last night was a perfect TV night. Premieres of "Arrested Development" and "Kitchen Confidential," a new ep of "Prison Break," and a kickass football game (Skins vs. Dallas AT Dallas, and we won, HELL YEAH). The only thing that could have made it better was a new "Daily Show," but they needed time after the Emmys, so it is forgiven. Plus TDS's lineup this week is stellar, so I'm willing to cut them a little slack.

"Kitchen Confidential": based on Anthony Bourdain's autobiography, and it costars Nicholas Brendon. Two checks in the plus column. And based on last night's ep, the writing and cast are excellent, too. There were a few eyeroll-worthy moments in the episode, but they weren't that bad. I think I'll watch it whenever I get the chance.

"Prison Break" is my new guilty pleasure. There are parts of it that require SO MUCH suspension of disbelief, and some horribly corny lines, but The Hotness and the soap-opera intrigue are keeping me glued to it.

This is the beginning of the craft-at-night season for me, and I get a lot of TV/movie watching done when that rolls around. So it's good to know not everything on at night will be total crap.

And before I forget, the MRI went swimmingly. There are more details on the lj. And with that, we're done with the doctor's office visits for now, thank god. And everything so far has come back normal, so we're operating under the assumption that they're just febrile seizures.

Which means now is the time to buy stock in Children's Tylenol.

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