
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

oh ophelia 

The VA Department of Emergency Management has a pretty thorough website. I'm a little . . . impressed, I guess, although I probably shouldn't be because that should be something that goes without saying.

Granted, the top of their Ophelia page says "Hurricane Gaston, 2004," but it's still pretty good. It even lists the actions that have been taken to prepare for Ophelia, going into details like:

FEMA has 213 trucks staged in Emporia, with 100 containing water, 100 containing ice, and 13 containing Meals Ready to Eat. If needed, the trucks can be deployed to areas of the mid-Atlantic affected by Ophelia.

So yeah, I shouldn't be impressed, but I am. it's not a pretty site, but it gets the job done. Virginia.gov isn't too bad, either.

As far as this one goes, I think we'll be okay. If we ever get another Isabel, though, sweet baby goats, we are going to be at Mom's house the MONTH before it comes through. That sucker was bad enough in the House w/No Name. Luckily I am a paranoid bitch if ever there was one, so I had filled the bathtub with water, which took care of us as far as unfiltered-water needs went for the couple of days the power was out. Here, however, I'd be too chicken to roll the will-a-tree-fall-and-flatten-us dice.

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