
Thursday, September 08, 2005

it's too late, baby 

I've got to stop doing this staying-up-late thing. I can't sleep in anymore. This morning, er, yesterday morning, Rabbit woke up before me and stole three self-frosting cupcakes from the counter, ate the tops, and threw the rest in the trashcan. Like I said, I can't sleep in anymore.

I just can't stop thinking and it keeps me up.

Finally gave in and made a LiveJournal so that I can put all of the communities I've been watching on a friends list. Eventually I will learn the etiquette for adding individuals and will add the ten or so of those I read, too. It just feels weird, like snooping.

If I could just put a constant loop of Jon Stewart's monologues on a small TV screen, and carry it around with me, I'd never need to state my political opinions again. He says everything so much better than I do. Of course, he's paid for it.

Okay, the Adult Swim loop has gotten back up to Futurama, which is where I started watching. Definitely time for crashing.

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