
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

even though all I know is what I learned from "Angel" 

(Remember Angel's obsession with Barry Manilow?)

If you donate to the Red Cross through The Manilow Fund, they'll match your donation and Manilow himself will match it as well, so you're tripling your donation. Eeeexcellent. DO IT. I command you.

They've already raised their initial goal of $150,000, and are extending the goal to $300,000.

We haven't gotten that check I mentioned yet, but if we do, that's where 3/4 of my donation is going. The rest is going to an animal fund, I think. Probably Noah's Wish (their server is kind of cooked right now), which I found out about via this SuperNaturale thread. (For once, I've been lurking more on SN than GC, mainly because there is more discussion about and more linkage to Katrina-related news.) Noah's Wish has a list of items they need; I like that they don't accept ONLY cash donations.

Continuing to work on the Katrina PeopleFinder Project, which I noticed last night FINALLY had a searchable engine at katrinalist.net, although you still couldn't edit entries. It may be finished today, though, I haven't checked yet.

[eta: Wow, I just checked it out, and data entry is suspended for now. I'm not sure why. Maybe because they want to enter data into the katrinalist form instead of the one we were entering data in and have to update the site to reflect that? I don't know. There is a link to VolunteerMatch, which seems like a pretty cool site if you're looking for other volunteer opportunities.]

I did manage to scrape together ten bucks and buy a cute pink scarf and some sushi fabric from the Crafters United shop this weekend. If you haven't checked it out yet, you really should -- there are THIRTY-SIX PAGES of stuff donated by the DIY community. Look, here are some custom-made handmade glass rings for only seven dollars each! You could probably do all of your holiday shopping early at this one shop. And all the dinero goes for good! It's so cool.

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