
Friday, September 02, 2005


Everything falls apart just when you need it to stay in one piece, huh?

Rabbit's EEG was abnormal, which on the one hand is good because it means whatever's messed up will be dealt with instead of pshawed. My mom had to deal with the pshawing when I was younger, and apparently it's extremely frustrating. However, this means more medical bills and more tests. And possibly having to give Rabbit long-term meds, which bites extremely hard.

Gas was at $3.29 this morning, and I'm sure it will go higher since it's been jumping every twelve hours, pretty much. It's ridiculous. I'd move closer to work if houses closer to work didn't cost upwards of $300,000. I might look into buying a small used car if we can get the house refinanced, but I have bad luck with small used cars and I'm not too optimistic about the refinancing thing, either. I wish hybrids were cheaper. Anyway, so the farmers' market is out this weekend, because I can't make the half-hour trip into town just for the farmers' market. That actually bums me out quite a bit; I look forward to it all week.

Ben is being a complete asscat. I don't know if it's stress or what, but he started up one of his infamous fights last night and still isn't speaking to me. Which is, as you can imagine, not so bad since when he was speaking last night it was kind of not that great. Seriously, with everything happening in the world, TOYS ON THE FLOOR are worth a big blown-out fight?

So even though in the grand scheme of things my life is almost peachy, I'm actually feeling pretty crappy right now. If you know me in real life, I'm sorry I'm not more fun these days. I'm working on it, but it's going to take a while.

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